Structure is Key! - Stay Sane During the Coronavirus Shutdown

     Life is chaos right now!  Kids are out of school, daycare may be closing, you may be working remotely, and many other new adjustments.  We don't know what knew restriction will come about by the end of the day to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, and we are simply trying to figure out what tomorrow looks like.
     Our routine has not just been thrown off kilter, its been shattered.  Kids go to daycare or school, you go to work, pick them up, come home and have your nightly routine.  This has been the norm.  Now, you have kids at home while you're trying to work, they may or may not have school work, and you are all trying to stay sane at the same time!
     Structure, Structure, Structure!  Even if you aren't a Type A personality, we are all used to structure in our daily lives.  We like to have a plan for our day, know what is happening next, know how and when we can get our work done, and simply know we will be able to get work completed.  All of these things are compounded in kids.  When your schedule is off, it automatically throws off you kids' schedule.  Kids like freedom, but they also want to know what to expect.  There is a difference between structure and micromanaging.  Having a schedule and letting your kids know when things are going to happen is completing different then telling them what to do every second of the day.
     During the next few weeks, your kids need structure more than ever, as do you!  When kids know when things are happening, even if they can't tell time, they know what is coming next.  When they know what is next, they don't ask you for a snack 30 times when they know they will eat really soon.  Creating a schedule with your child lets them know that you have a plan, it will be stuck to each day, and then you don't have to try and figure out what time you are doing something.  There will definitely be some bumps throughout the day, especially at the beginning, but as they get used to it, they will see the consistency.  If your child is in daycare, try and keep them on the same schedule as what they are on at daycare.  If you have a school aged child, create a schedule with them, give them some ownership in the process.  This helps foster your relationship, trust, and let them know that you truly value their voice and opinion.  Bedtime is just one example of this that should stay the same.  Check out this article from NPR and the affects of consistency of bedtimes with healthy children!
Image result for daily schedule for school closure
This is one idea, and the Free TV Time area also says "bath & shower time" which is how we are using it in our house.
   I would strongly suggest creating a schedule for yourself as well!  Getting up at the same time, eating at the same time, and taking breaks, will all help your body with the anxiety and stress of these new times.  Build in time for yourself that is not a part of work.  Talk with your spouse or significant other and make sure each of you has some alone time, it is KEY!  You need it.  Maybe a run, a walk, or time to simply go on a drive.  Time alone will help you have quiet, which will be difficult to find over the next several weeks. 
Image result for daily schedule for adults
This is free and is available in word, docs, excel, & pdf.  Click it and make it personalized!
     Remember, structure is the key, micromanaging is not needed.  Communicate openly with your kids and spouse.  These times are stressful and challenging for all of us, so make sure we march forward with grace and love.  We WILL get through this, and we will learn and grow from this experience. 

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